Do you think Jesus cares about Valentine's Day? I don't think he does in the specific sense of the holiday. But he cares about us and what we're...
Learning to Accept God’s Blessings
Below is a short testimony I gave at the dedication of my son. This was the culmination of a huge work and blessing that the Lord had been carrying...
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of swooping magpies
I think we're about at the end of magpie season in Australia, but I've only just realised that for the first time in years I've gotten through...
Fields of Gold: Hope and New Beginnings
Late August is one of my most favourite times of the year. I'm not good with the cold, so I'm not a fan of winter. Here in Australia, August is the...
Moving to Another Church: A Difficult Decision
I wrote this post a little while ago, and have just been sitting on it, not sure whether I should publish it. My hesitation comes from the fear that...
First Date Rescue Operation
I’d been wanting a little adventure in my life. But clinging to a tree in a swollen river was not what I’d had in mind. Everything had been fine...
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